April 2024 – Great Boston & St. Louis trip seeing everybody!
Last year was my first U.S. trip in over four years because of pandemic travel restrictions. All the restrictions are now gone, and I took another trip to Boston and St. Louis at the beginning of April. It was great seeing my sister, and also old family friends in Boston who put me up in their home again. After a hectic week in Boston I moved on to a somewhat calmer week in St. Louis and stayed with my old friend, Sue and her two cats, Squeak (formerly evil) and Wizard. I got to see other close friends there, and neighbors in the beautiful Lafayette Square neighborhood, where I have a house just up the street from Lafayette Park.
I also kept perfectly with WFPB (whole food plant based) eating during my trip, which is basically vegan and no oil. However I ignored calories and indulged in delicious breads in Boston and other high calorie-density foods while there. So I did gain a few pounds while traveling. But slipping back to lower calorie density foods (like potatoes instead of bread, and simple vegetables, and not indulging so much in high calorie fruits like bananas) was easy and I’m almost back to my pre-trip weight.
In fact, my weight has been steady for at least a few years now. WFPB is great for weight control, and health. As I mentioned many times, it brought my blood sugar under control and I’ve been off all sugar meds for over four years now, my cholesterol is great, blood pressure perfectly normal, and my doctor is very pleased. You can read lots of blog posts about this here.

At Narita Airport before my flight (proof that I was in Japan).

While there, I stayed at the house of old family friends. Here I am with Cathy, Duncan, and Rebecca. Marcia (who I’ve been friends with since we were kids) and Jon were still up in Maine when I arrived. Rebecca and Duncan were the perfect warm, friendly hosts. I hope they visit Japan sometime.
When I arrived, Cathy met me and we went to the rental car place by shuttle. I added Cathy as a designated driver and she drove the whole time I was there. I hate driving in Boston! (See “Here’s Where Boston Ranks Among Worst Cities To Drive In“).

Cathy parked in the indoor garage at her place, and the first night the car got sideswiped. Fortunately I had collision damage waiver with the car rental place, so there were no extra charges. Did I mention I hate driving in Boston?

Cathy and I visited mom and dad’s gravesite in the Jewish cemeteries of Boston.

Cathy visits the cemetery often, and makes sure it looks nice. She pointed out various historical markers while we were there.

Marcia gave us some touring advice and we also visited Mount Auburn Cemetery – America’s first landscaped cemetery. This is what they call “spring” in Boston.

Interesting old graves and monuments at Mount Auburn Cemetery.

Dinner at Marcia and Jon’s house, where I stayed in Belmont (basically Boston). Around the table: Cathy, Rebecca, Duncan, Jon, and Marcia. Jon and Marcia spent most of their time at their Maine house now, while Rebecca and Duncan stayed here. It was great to see everybody! I hope next time I’m in the area I can see Marcia and Jon more. Or maybe they need to visit Japan and I can show them around here.

The weather was really cold the first few days. It even snowed! So we looked for things to do that didn’t involve a lot of walking outside. One day we drove out to Windmill Point – a nice day trip, mostly in the car, in the chilling weather.

The big April event across large parts of the U.S. was the solar eclipse. We went to the Total Eclipse of the Park event in Boston – click to visit the event (including a video of Cathy dancing!) – a lot of fun!

At the JFK Museum, Boston – click to see the album! This was a good cold day activity. In the album, near the end, there is a donated piece of the Berlin Wall. I happened to have a piece with me. You can see it in the album.

At 7-Eleven in Boston. The exact same green tea at 7-Eleven here is about 80 cents.

At Faneuil Hall. Upstairs. Somewhere.

Wandering around Boston.

At the Chestnut Hill Reservation.

Nice walk by the reservation my last day in Boston.

On the way to drop off the car. My flight to St. Louis the next morning was very early and I had to be at the airport by 7 am. Thanks for everything, Cathy! Next year instead of me traveling to Boston you should come to Tokyo again. It’s been 20 years since your last visit!

Sylvia met me early in the morning at St. Louis airport. Thanks, Sylvia!

From Sylvia’s place – which is close to my neighborhood and where Sue lives – I got in “Ellie” (Sue’s car) and drove for the first time in a year. I kept saying to myself, “right side of the road… right side of the road.” Fortunately St. Louis is actually easy and relaxing to get around.

Sue prepared a cozy bedroom for me upstairs. She kept warning me about the danger of the heavy brass bed frame by the wall, so we crept around it gently and made sure my bed wasn’t close to it.

My townhouse in Lafayette Square. Sue’s townhouse is right next door. I got to meet my current tenant, who is a law professor there in St. Louis and we had a nice chat. He fixed up my place nicely inside!

View in front of my house looking up the block to Lafayette Park.

Inside Lafayette Park.

Sue and I visited the main library for her passport renewal.

The library is quiet magnificent. This is the Great Hall. It was built in 1912 on a location formerly occupied by the St. Louis Exposition and Music Hall.

The St. Louis city flag outside the library window.

Sue and Wizard checking to see who is coming down the stairs.

Squeak has gotten noticeably older. And calmer. I was even able to pick him up without him biting me! He seems to like this spot to rest.

Sylvia and I drove over to visit Jane. It was great getting together.

There was an activity day event in Lafayette Park while I was there.

Proof I was there.

Sue getting ready to go out for an adventure.

A visit to the St. Louis Botanical Gardens with Sue and Sylvia – click to see the album! It was beautiful!

My plane from St. Louis got delayed due to mechanical problems, so American Airlines put me up in a hotel in Dallas. Here are some others from the plane who were trying to get to Belize for holiday. We are on the shuttle to the hotel.

The hotel did make me a healthy vegan, no oil dinner.

Saying goodbye to Texas.

Pao seemed moderately happy to see me.

We went out to lunch with Hirokazu’s co-worker and his wife so he could introduce me (finally) to people from his workplace. They all got a bit drunk, so I was the designated driver. You can’t see it, but Hirokazu is wearing the “hubby” T-shirt with a St. Louis flag I had made for him at a shop there.

Hirokazu’s hubby t-shirt with the St. Louis flag. Hirokazu’s favorite color is purple. I had mine done in grey.

Hirokazu and Pao say goodbye as I go on my morning walk. Home again.
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