Nuro – my first report and review on speed, settings and service
The Nuro optical fiber outdoor construction was done this afternoon. Nuro, as you might have heard, promotes itself as the fastest home fiber optic network service in the world, with a maximum download speed of 2 Gbps and upload of 1 Gbps. The wi-fi router restricts that further, because there is a technical wireless limit of 450 Mbps.
Here is a summary of before and after speeds, and some comments on the setup process and service so far.
First, using, here is the pre-Nuro, while using NTT Flets Hyper-family and Asahi-net. The download speed was 43.07 Mbps and upload speed 35.07 Mbps.
With Nuro, the best test so far is as follows – download 102.04 Mbps and upload 89.85 Mbps.
So the speed definitely improved. Nuro with So-net is about 2.4 times faster than NTT Flets with Asahi-net. Of course the “hype” is that you will get speeds “20 times as fast,” but realistically speaking I wasn’t expecting that.
If you are familiar with, the meter itself only goes up to 100 Mbps – so the connection could certainly have been restricted by the connection to the testing servers. I will also fiddle with the modem settings (there are different channels and whatnot) and also try different speed testing sites to see if I can get a “knock your socks off result.”
Anyway, this is (1) 2,600 yen/month less expensive, (2) at least 2.4 times faster, (3) includes a free, new higher-speed wi-fi router, (4) has free construction and (5) you get a 20,000 yen cash-back after 3 months deposited to your bank account. So I have no reason to complain about the technical quality or price.
I do have qualms about their promised technical support and the knowledge of their installation and support people. Basically, from start to finish, nobody really knows what was going on. They promise that they will take care of everything. Basically they take care of nothing.
When the fiber optic people bowed and left today I asked, “What now?” Their response, “We just connect the line.”
My NTT Flets line was still connected, as well as my old Apple Airport Extreme. And my new Nuro stuff was just sitting on the floor, unplugged, with no instructions or manuals.
Fortunately I’m not exactly a novice at this, so was able to call support, ask some pertinent questions, and straighten it all out within an hour.
First off, remember the large modem I mentioned in my previous note? I was griping a bit about it being so large compared to the NTT moem. Well, it wasn’t just the modem – it was the modem plus wi-fi router together, which could explain why it is larger that the NTT modem. It also has two SSIDs – so you can run two wi-fi networks. Does anybody know why one might want to do that?
The other smaller device, which they told me originally was the wi-fi router is the optical phone service device. That gets switched over on the 18th.
Once I realized that, connecting over was easy. Of course I didn’t want to use the default SSID and password, because then I would have had to change all the wi-fi settings on zillions of devices in my house. I wanted the network name (Tao Net) and password to be what they were before, so everything would “just connect.”
The Nuro/So-net person said that was not possible and that I was stuck with the SSID on the label. I said, “Nonsense. Can you please double-check that.”
While she was double-checking that I looked up the unit on the Internet and downloaded the PDF manual for it, found out the local IP address for the router and connected. The manual didn’t say so, but typically these things have an initial username and password of admin/admin, and I was able to get in, change the SSID to Tao Net, change the password to what it was on my Airport Extreme, and set a new password for the router, even before she got back on the phone to tell me she thinks it is possible but isn’t sure how. So I told her, and she took notes.
It all wasn’t so bad for me. And it wouldn’t be bad for anybody whose hooked up ADSL or fiber optic service before. But I really don’t see how somebody who hasn’t done it before can do it. However, they do offer a free “home setup” as part of the package. But in that case, you have to make a separate appointment and wait for another day. I guess that’s what a lot of people do.
Also to be careful of – I assumed the NTT Flets and Asahi-net services get cut off automatically. No no no. Basically, I have to do everything myself. So I called NTT and ended the contract (they will send somebody to pick up their modem on the 19th, but stop the service immediately), and then called Asahi-net to end that service.
The optical phone service won’t switch over until the 18th, so I’ll have to call NTT back after that and also quit my analog phone service. It will be the same number though.
So that’s the story. It works fine. If I can coax even higher speeds out – like a few hundred Mbps – I’ll report back. But everything is basically fine. I don’t see any reason not to recommend Nuro as long as you go into it with realistic expectations and realize the process that takes place.
I am most envious, those are really impressive speeds. Just a few weeks ago Comcast changed out my modem to support the newish DOCSIS 3 standard, but even with that I just now ran a speed test and got a download speed of 8.80 Mbps and upload of 7.11 Mbps. So you are running more than 10 times my speeds!
I believe the two SSIDs setup is a security feature. You can set up two networks, and give visitors access to the “guest” network while completely blocking them from your “real” network. To my mind that’s a very good idea – sometimes my son has guests here that I don’t even know personally, and they all want to use the house WiFi so they don’t run up their data plan while showing each other YouTube videos or whatever.
Does Japan have something similar to the US location-based 911 service? Here that service works automatically only with analog phones. When moving to a VOIP system you need to call the service and tell them the address 911 should associate with the phone number. You may need to do that, or maybe not – Japan seems far ahead of the US with some of this stuff.
I get about 50% faster speeds than you even when connected to my VPN that makes me look like I’m in San Francisco (great for Netflix streaming).
Yes – here there are two numbers: 119 is for medical emergencies and 110 is for the police. I think probably 99% or more people call from their cell phones these days, but I should check about that.
reviving an old post i know, but how long between ordering the sevice and it being up and running?
I can’t remember exactly, but it was at least a few weeks.
Ah many thanks, I ordered it to my newly built house last week and havent got so much as an email since the initial automated fluff.
Time to cross my fingers!
Mine was signed up via one of their door to door reps. You might want to try calling, because I did originally get a schedule.
I beg of you to help me! My wife got sold on super hi-speed Internet with So-Net(Nuro). They dumped the modem and telephone line off at our house, handed us a manual and pretty much left it up to my wife to understand and configure the system. I believe we will lose our NTT connection this weekend and need to connect the new system asap. My wife said she will try to read the manual with my daughter and do it herself. I am skeptical whether she can and will. My questions: Any way you could tell me what ID and Password I am looking for, the basic procedure for configuring it to our desktop(main computer, and how to configure each of the four other laptops. Any help would be immeasurably appreciated.
They are supposed to set it up for you. Also, in my case there was a delay of like 10 days after they dropped off the equipment (and hooked it up) before it went live. Didn’t they at least connect it? If not, they have to come back and connect it. Where is the fiber optic wire? It should be connected to the modem. The password, etc. for So-Net should be set inside the modem. I didn’t have to set that at all.
What model router do you have? Does it have the SSID (wifi name) on the unit? Do you see anything on it that begins with F660T? (That’s assuming they gave you the same brand unit as I got).
But the easiest thing, I think, would be to just call them at NURO Support 0120-65-3810 and tell them somebody needs to come over and help you hook it up. When I had a problem they came over.
Hi Richard,
there will be a sticker on the left side of the modem that has all of the wireless passwords and what not, once the cables have been connected the modem will be up and running without any further input needed, you will be able to login to the modem via in your browser with the username/password as admin/admin an can set custom wireless settings there.
your connection will not work until your assigned activation date, which for me was 2 weeks after receiving the modem hardware.
For the sake of following up on my own earlier post, because the house is a new build things took a little longer than normal and ended up and running a whole month later than expected, but these are the speeds I now receive:
Also in my case, the modem was delivered and sat in it’s box until a guy came out later in the month and installed the port in to the wall where the white fibre cable connects to.
Now that you mention it, that was my experience too. First was delivery. Then they came back to hook it up.
You ought to call them and find out how they have scheduled you.
Dan – those are direct connect speeds and not wi-fi, right? With wi-fi I get about 1/2 of that.
Yes doug, directly connected with Cat5E to the computer, if i use wiresless N devices it gets roughly half, I do have a server with a 4gbit lan port but I have as of yet not found a speed testing service that is actually capable of testing above 1gbit.
That makes sense. Sometimes I get much lower speeds on Wi-Fi, like 200 Mbps. And I wonder if it’s my testing service or not.
If you are using it most definitely will be, their japanese located servers are sporadic at best, sometimes none are available at all and it instead uses one located in eastern russia, other times only one provided by worlds fastest indian is available and their speeds are pretty poor.
If you use the one here:
You will get a much more accurate reading.
You know, I’ve wanted to try that, but every time I get to the last page where it says the test will take 40 seconds, there is just a black rectangle in the middle of the screen.
Maybe I’m missing something it needs to run, like Java?
Yes, that was it. I needed to install Java for Yosemite. The test ran successfully, but didn’t show a speed much faster than I typically get with On my MacBook Pro, which is connected via wi-fi over the 5 GHz channel (there is too much interference from my hub to use over the 2.4 GHz channel) I am just getting 140 Mbps down and 187 Mbps up.
I tried it again and am just getting 145 down and 189 up.
The 5 GHz connection should be faster than that I think.
I don’t have too much time to fuss about it though. It’s not like most sites I connect to can get that fast anyway.
Still, it would be nice to have speeds to brag about like you do.
Yeah, it requires the latest Java runtime to work correctly, its best to install both 32bit and 64bit versions.
Its most likely down to the device connected in that case, if i use wifi on my desktop, laptop or phone, each give different average speeds, ive come to the conclusion that the built in wifi isn’t very good for the F660T, I ended up buying a separate wifi router that shares wireless AC being fed from the Cat5 ports on the F660T, which made a big improvement to the overall speeds, the laptop i have with support for AC is able to test around 750mbit up/down over that.
I’m using the fastest of the devices I have to check – my MacBook Pro retina late 2013 model. The wi-fi specs are theoretically fast. It supports 802.11ac Wi‑Fi wireless networking;3 IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n compatible.
But I notice the specs on the F660T I also got are not the fastest available, which surprised me since Nuro advertises 2 GBps. You’d think they would use the fastest wi-fi routers available.
If you bought a separate wi-fi router didn’t you have to re-connect the fiber optic cable yourself? I’m hesitant about doing that.
Or are you saying you connected your extra wi-fi via ether cables to the F660T and are using that wi-fi instead? That would be technically easy. But of course it costs extra for the router.
It would be nice to have speeds like that though.
I basically bought one of these
It allows me access to the full 1gbit over wireless AC, you simply connect the ethernet from the F660T to one of the ports on the bridge and then configure the bridge as needed – As an extra measure i logged in to the F660T router and disabled both of its wireless channels so it wouldn’t interfere with the bridge.
As a final note, i found even when i use the 5ghz wireless mode on the F660T, the speed only seemed slightly faster, but never offered the full speed wired networking offered.
Technically it sounds very easy to accomplish. Quite inexpensive too. It sounds like it might be worth the experiment.
I just ordered one. At $44 it’s worth trying.
Should hopefully help you a lot!, theres enough flexibility in the configuration panel to avoid most noise stricken bands, keep us updated!
Dan, so it arrived today, with no instructions at all. I’m confused what to do with it. 🙂
I connected it via the included ethernet cable to my F660T router.
You wrote:
“It allows me access to the full 1gbit over wireless AC, you simply connect the ethernet from the F660T to one of the ports on the bridge and then configure the bridge as needed – As an extra measure i logged in to the F660T router and disabled both of its wireless channels so it wouldn’t interfere with the bridge.”
But how does one configure the bridge? There are no instructions.
In fact, the diagrams on the box are confusing. On the one hand it says it can make ethernet connected devices wireless, yet the diagrams all show the devices connected by ethernet cable.
To tell the truth, I’m not even sure what I bought now. I sort of had the idea that it would add AC wifi connectivity to the F660T router, which doesn’t support that wifi standard. (As to why Nuro would provide a router without that support, that’s a whole separate question.)
But how do you set it up? Should I be seeing a new network appearing to choose from?
I found the bridge manual online and called WD’s tech support. Their opinion was if I can achieve a faster wi-fi speed this way it is news to them.
I can get to the bridge dashboard, but I don’t know what to configure beyond that. They said the fact I am getting to the bridge dashboard means I’m connected via the bridge even though the SSID is the same as for my router.
However, there is no speed improvement. It’s exactly what it was going to the router itself. And that’s what WD said to expect.
When I asked them what the purpose of the device was they said to extend the range of the network. But I don’t have a range problem. My house is small.
If I turn off the wifi on the router, then what SSID would I connect to from my MacBook Pro?
You know, I’m beginning to think I shouldn’t have gotten this and if I really wasn’t satisfied with the usual 140 Mbps speed I’ve been getting from Nuro via the F660T that I should have just gotten an ether port adapter for my MacBook Pro.
But if there is some way of getting this to work like you did I’d like to try it.
Otherwise, well $44 wasted, but I’m not going to bother returning it overseas.
If you have some advice I’d like to hear it though.
Try using the WPS button on both the router and the bridge, then connect the bridge to the laptop or computer using network cable.
Thanks for your post.
The computer (a MacBook Pro) does not have an LAN port. It’s completely wireless.
If it did have a LAN port, or if I bought a LAN adapter to create a LAN port, I could just connect it directly the F660T router provided by Nuro and wouldn’t need the bridge in that case either.
So I guess I don’t see the purpose of this “bridge.”
I emailed Nuro support by the way and asked them why they don’t provide routers which support 801.11ac and they said they just don’t and don’t plan to and only advertise their Gbps speeds with regards to LAN connections.
I am suspecting I wasted my money on this bridge. Actually I was ok with the 140 Mbps speed I am getting via wi-fi. I’m sure none of my U.S. friends get that speed.
If I want to get higher speed at home (which I can with my older iMac connected via LAN cable directly to the F660T router) I could get Apple’s LAN adapter and use that when at home.
I would return this WD My Net AC Bridge, except I bought it from Amazon in the U.S. and it cost my sister $14 to ship it here, for a total of $58, so it’s probably not worth the cost to return it. I wonder if I could sell it at Yahoo Auction.
It just doesn’t seem to fit a purpose in this situation.
Unless somebody has some extra enlightening information I think I will just have to write this off as a dumb impulse purchase. It just seems to be designed for something other that what I am trying to do.
It looks like I should have just gotten this for $29!
My older iMac is connected directly to the F660T router and I ran the speed test just now and it got 583 Mbps down and 857 Mbps up.
I think I’ll just get the $29 LAN adapter for my MBP and sell the bridge to somebody.
The iMac just got 793 Mbps down, 855 Mbps up.
Definitely getting the LAN adapter for my MBP for use at home.
Hi Doug, great to hear you get amazing speeds! I ordered Nuro and its coming in a couple of weeks. I have hikari flets at the moment, when I got it they promised 200mb/s and would avg 100 m/bs, which it did for the first 6 months, now it goes under 10mb/s all the time…disappointed to say the least. Anyhow, wondering if you could do me a really big favor? In window open the command prompt and ping this ip for me, and let me know what ms you get.
ping -t
This is the main reason I want nuro is to lwer my latency for this game :D. Thanks for your time.
I think the -t option requires a parameter, so I left that out. Just pinging the ip gives results like these.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=241 time=121.856 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=241 time=127.432 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=241 time=120.414 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=241 time=127.687 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=241 time=128.799 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=241 time=128.944 ms
How does that compare with your latency?
Thanks for the quick reply Doug! Unfortunately it’s a little higher than my current provider, too late to cancel now though. Where are you located? I’m in Saitama.
I’m in Katsushika-ku Tokyo. Where is that IP address?
My speed test numbers are very high as you saw. But of course it depends on where you are connecting to.
That IP address you gave is somewhere in the U.S. so I don’t think the latency has so much to do with the speed of your network. It could be on the other end, and depends on how many hops it takes to get there.
Here is a ping of
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=54 time=5.028 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=54 time=5.089 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=54 time=5.069 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=54 time=5.610 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=54 time=5.912 ms
Pretty good?
Hey mate, yeah that IP is in california, where the game server is located. That gmail ping is good! Could u try that ip again and add a -t on the end, and give me the average over 30 pings? Only if you got the time 😀
If I add -t at the end of the ping command it just gives me an error saying “option requires an argument.”
really? hmmm, did you put a space then -t
like this ping …….. -t
Yes. The ping manual says the -t option requires an argument.Take a look at “man ping”.
yeah, that’s strange as it works on my PC. Also another question Doug, can you get those high speeds on IPv4, or do you have to have IPv6 enabled? Cheers
It’s probably a difference between the command on a PC and on my Mac. My connections for speed testing are plain old IPv4.
Hey again Doug, so the next part of my installation is getting done next week. My wife reckons nuro said I have to set up everything by myself…did they help you set anything up at all?
They weren’t really that helpful setting things up initially and I did it myself. There was nothing particularly unusual about the setup.
Curiously though, after I set things up myself and had a question a week or two later about the network speed, they insisted on sending a tech person out to my house to check the settings and see that everything was working ok.
So I suspect if you actually request they help set it up they will.
sweet, do you have to pay for that? My wife just said you do…could they really be that stingy?
No, there was no fee.
Thanks mate. I might have to ask for sage knowledge next Sunday 🙂
Looking at your old post from 2013 about Nuro and wondering about speeds. I currently use J:Com’s cable service with 250mpbs download/10 mbps upload and I actually get those speeds. After several years of using Nuro what is the fastest speed you have clocked? What is average?
Is it true that the backbone network is offered by NTT and so the Flets, AU Hikari and Nuro all use the same network? Would that mean that if my neighbors all had Flets, my speeds would be affected by their usage?
Hello. During the mornings and day I usually get in the 700 to 900 Mbps down and up. Down and up are usually about the same. In the evenings I usually get about 400 to 700 down and up.
This is with a direct connection.
The fastest I’ve ever clocked has been maybe 970 Mbps.
I’m not sure what the backbone is, but I had switched from Flets and they had to run a new fiber optic cable. And at the same time I inquired and AU Hikari was not available at my house.
Hello Doug, thanks for the great article. I recently connected to NURO and get about 450 download and upload with the F660T router they provided. How do I achieve the 2tb download and 1 tb upload? Thanks
I don’t think in real life you can actually get 2 TB down. To get close to 1 TB down you will need to hardwire your computer to your router. You won’t get those speeds over wi-fi.
I just moved to a new mansion about a month ago in Adachi-ku near Kita-Ayase station. I ordered Nuro and very disappointed by their slow service. I did a follow up and the support haven’t even contacted my landlord when I already asked him where my new complex allows Nuro connection. The landlord said there is already a resident who is also using Nuro. I was extremely upset that after 3-weeks, the tech support still haven’t called my landlord. I need to get my home office set and their support has their head up their ass.
Sorry to hear you’re having such problems. I hope you can reach tech support and work it out quickly. The service itself seems reliable once you get it up and running.
I enjoy reading your blog. Since COVID-19, I have to work from my own place & I moved to a bigger one since my other place was too small to have a home office, plus my neighbors were getting annoyed over late night video conferencing from Silicon Valley. I need fast internet & Nuro is the fastest in Japan. Too bad their support is disappointing. They should’ve have contacted my landlord after 3-weeks & nothing has been done. I plan to use my Apple AirPort Extreme fo WiFi, would there be any issues once Nuro gets installed?
You know, I really don’t know. I ended up using the router that Nuro provided for me when I first got it.
Also, if you really want to get the highadvertised speeds, or something reasonable in that range, instead of Wi-Fi you might want to consider a direct connection to your computer, which is what I do.
I’m also in a house, rather than a mansion, and I’m not sure what difference that might make.
I would think that any Wi-Fi router would be OK though.
The WiFi is only for my iPhone & iPad. I plan to use LAN on my Mac Pro & MacBook as well as my Apple TV & Android box. I plan to wire up my place.
Why do they need to contact your landlord? Do they need some sort of technical permission or something?
That’s what they said. They need to contact my landlord if they plan to setup Nuro, because they use a different type of fiber connection compared to NTT or KDDI. So there’s some necessary construction work according to them
I hope they straighten it out quickly.