Nice biannual blood test update
This was after gradually reducing and then stopping all statins at the end of 2023. And I’ve been off all sugar meds for over 5 years now. Normal ranges in parentheses. Yay for Whole Food Plant Based eating!
HbA1c (4.6-6.2) 5/7/2024 – 5.2 -> 11/5/2024 – 5.1
Triglycerides (30-149) 5/7/2024 – 77 -> 11/5/2024 – 67
HDL (40-79) 5/7/2024 – 50 -> 11/5/2024 – 49
LDL (70-139) 5/7/2024 – 104 -> 11/5/2024 – 86
Total Cholesterol (130-219) 5/7/2024 – 169 -> 11/5/2024 – 148
My bad cholesterol (LDL) and total cholesterol are now down to about what they were when I was taking a daily statin. So the doctor was right – I didn’t need it after all.
Everything else is also fine, including blood pressure and other blood test results. And my weight is also perfectly ok – 149 lb this morning.
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