Election 2016 is already starting
Well, it’s early 2015, so not too early to be talking about the 2016 elections.
I’m a Hillary Clinton supporter, and have been for years.
I think it’s likely she will win the nomination. And also likely she’ll be elected. Her most competitive GOP opponent is probably Jeb Bush.
There will be the usual “political dynasty” talk, etc. But every Bush left economic wreckage at the end of his presidency. While there has only been one Clinton presidency, he left things in good shape.
Anyway, it will be an interesting race.
I don’t really get the attraction of Elizabeth Warren. I think Hillary Clinton is a progressive. And also a pragmatist. I think she has sincerely held views.
Anyway, Warren only has about 8% support among Democratics.
It was interesting to note that with all the talk of Hillary’s age, she is only 1.5 years older than Warren.
I like her latest hashtag: #GrandmothersKnowBest
With the Citizens United decision there are now no limits on campaign spending, and as a cynic I expect that whichever side can spend the most will win. That might give a Republican candidate a better-than-expected chance because of deep pockets like the Koch brothers. It will be fascinating to see how the “unofficial” campaign money is used.
I don’t think the Koch brothers can buy their way out of this one. The GOP is too fractured, with too many just plain nuts political activists forcing their candidates to all look like anti-science radicals.
The U.S. electorate is neither far left nor far right. I think they are, in fact, just where Hillary is.