
My refrigerator, and a quarter century gone by — 5 Comments

  1. No foolishness! I get attached to non-organic objects also.

    However, in the States, you can’just go into Sears, or whatever store and buy a stove , frig, etc. they don’t keep them in stock. You have to order them and it takes a week. So….part ways and get a new one soon. Unless you can just buy one “off the rack”. 0therwise, let her die with you by her side.

    My Sympathies,


  2. About an hour after my posting she started making horrible noises. I think I know the one I want to replace her with. And they deliver the same day!

    In lieu of flowers, please make a contribution to your favorite charity.


  3. It is indeed odd how we get attached to machinery – Jeanne once cried as we were moving our stuff out of a car we had traded in on a brand new one.

    My experience is that Murphy’s Law applies to appliances just as to everything else – if it’s going to fail it will do so at absolutely the most inconvenient moment. I suggest you do it soon!

  4. Well, I placed the order for a new energy-efficient Toshiba. It’s supposed to arrive today between 6 and 10 PM.


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