I actually did know all this, and I know buying bottled water is just dumb. So why I do I keep doing it? I could just get a filter, if I was worried, and fill up old PET bottles with filtered tap water.
What’s weird is that I use tap water for cooking without hesitation.
How to get out of this habit? The thought of drinking tap water makes me feel a bit queasy. Why?
The tapwater where I live, while perfectly safe, tastes pretty bad because of a high salt content and the use of chloramines – I dislike drinking it and rarely do. I suspect that like me you have developed a distaste for tap water after living somewhere that it tasted nasty, but perhaps you haven’t made the connection.
We use a pitcher-type filter for drinking water. We try to use disposable water bottles as little as possible but we do keep them around.
I decided to try filtered water from the supermarket next. It’s only 20 yen for 2L and the machine even sanitizes the bottle cap with UV. For some reason they say to use within three days though. I wonder why.
Something to think about:
When I was attending Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, something occurred that cured me from ever eating raw oysters.
Tallahassee had a long time oyster bar frequented by many customers. Until many of them came down deathly ill.
In the investigation it was discovered that the bar’s primary source for oysters came from a town on the Gulf Coast. And the city had extended a large long pipe out into the Gulf and apparently raw sewage from the city was pouring into the Gulf and also through the oyter beds. Since oysters can’t pack up and move to a cleaner environment they were stuck with injesting raw sewage that found its way into the Tallahassee Oster Bar.
In Japan a few years ago some of us went hiking up to Mount Mitake with its temples and bochi to be followed by interested persons and in turn the small shops with souvenirs to sell and tourists to buy. I came to the conclusion there were other mountain tops in the area with temples, bochi, shops, connected persons, and tourists. Perhaps the most impressive situation to note when hiking up the mountain roads was the raw sewage running down the ditches on each side of the winding road to the top. That raw sewage undoubtedly finds its way into the small streams that flow into large streams with surrounding scenic beauty that creates a desire to do some fishing and camping alongside its beauty.
No doubt at some point on its way to Tokyo bay or some other point on its way to the Pacific some of it will pass through a filtration plant. But I don’t have that much faith in filtration plants. And they don’t filter out my memories of that raw sewage running down those ditches. into beautiful crystal clear mountain streams.
And here, I am caught between a rock and a hard place. Every container of water I buy has printed on it at least once, Spring water, and the Brewers are in the right business to easily transition into bottling water because of the necessity for pure water to brew class A beer. But when someone mentions spring water to me, I envision rushing water coming ut of a mountain side cave.
Maybe it’s time for some gutsy investigative journalist to throw down the gauntlet and start investigating the veracity of these water words being bandied about concerning the water we must drink to survive.
Until the reports are in, it’s more comfy to go with “Spring Water”.