Nice walk by the sakura in full bloom
Yesterday’s walk with Pao by the Nakagawa. The sakura are still in full bloom. I haven’t been to any other places this year to check out the sakura. They are still advising against hanami at busy locations. But this is nice enough. Fairly peaceful (unless a motorcycle drives by and Pao leaps at it). We met another dog and he nearly ripped my finger off grabbing at a snack, which made me appreciate for the first time how gentle Pao is when taking food from strangers’ hands.
Doug? Are you ok? You seem to have disappeared completely from FB. What’s going on?
Hey, Doug. You seem to have vanished from Facebook. I miss you and the dog photos. Everything OK?
Sorry for the late reply, Brad. I just noticed a bunch of comments this morning! As you might have heard I got blocked from Facebook multiple times. 5 times in all! It was very frustrating. Each time they admitted there was no violation of any community policy and let me back in. I finally have a contact at Facebook if it happens again. I really want to lessen my dependence on them, but they keep drawing me back. Sigh.