How Not To Die
Since starting Dr. Michael Greger’s book, “How Not to Die” on October 9 I’m down 5.2 kg = 11.5 lb. My total weight loss so far is 22.8 kg = 50.2 lb. Yes – over 50 lb now!
I highly recommend the book. It’s the best health and nutrition book I’ve ever read. It’s also the only book in that category I’ve ever gifted to friends and relatives! I’m that excited by it.
I’ve had ups and downs over the last few years, and still have quite a ways to go, but I’m on a weight loss streak again. I’m in “healthy eating” mode. I attribute that mostly to:
(1) Dr. Greger’s book for getting me psyched again. Following his “Daily Dozen” has been helpful and revealing. I’m doing some things I hadn’t been doing carefully before. I’m adding a tablespoon of walnuts to my green salads. I’m also adding ground flaxseed, which I never bought before. I’m making sure to get in my daily servings of cruciferous veggies, other veggies, whole grains, legumes, and fruits – particularly berries, and a variety of spices, including turmeric – also a first for me. And I’m exercising more. Obviously all of that has given me a boost!
(2) The encouragement and advice of people like Chef AJ (who taught me the best way to air fry potatoes), Plant Based Gabriel and Potato Strong guy, all who have been supportive and have great advice. You can find them all on FaceBook.
And onward! Stay the course!
Very good Doug, thank you.
Went to the school library today, the book is not available anywhere in the whole library system in Norway, so the library ordered it. (They also discovered that someone had asked for it translated into Norwegian…)
Looking forward to it, I could need a little “inspiration!”
(But – maybe the title whould be: “How not to Diet…)
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